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2024-07-08 20:40:54

China needs to teach people in these countries how to go about managing certain issues, such as ensuring good government, how to prevent corruption, and how to focus on development in a sustainable way with clear end goals

2024-07-08 20:40:54

The Chinese and Pakistani air forces have cooperated in planning and implementing strategies, as well as learning operational concepts and tactics from each other through sitting in the same fighter during the ongoing joint drills named "Shaheen VI" from Sept 7 to 27

2024-07-08 20:40:54

"We are fully prepared to implement all the Security Council resolutions, no more, no less," Cui said, adding that China expects other relevant parties to do the same

2024-07-08 20:40:54

"The unveiling of the "comfort women" memorial, the first in a major city in the United States, which also includes a sculpture of three girls -- Korean, Chinese and Filipino -- took place on the second anniversary of a resolution passed by San Francisco city and the county's legislative Board of Supervisors

2024-07-08 20:40:54

That was certainly not the policy under Obama when he launched the US pivot-to-Asia policy, trying to gang up US allies on China

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